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Minute Creator

Job Processor Installation

Minute Creator is designed to be installed and run on a Job Processor. A Job Processor being a dedicated/unattended workstation tasked explicitly for running the Autodesk Vault Job Processor application and Minute Creator. MinuteView can work with one or more Job Processors.

Follow the steps below to bring a Job Processor online and ready for the next stage, Minute Creator installation.

Minute Creator Dedicated Job Processor

Job Processor Prerequisites


When setting up a new Job Processor workstation and Windows account, it's particularly important to test that all Autodesk products can be downloaded/licensed over the internet. Please be sure to read and action the requirements outlined within official Autodesk documentation, Autodesk Licensing URL Protocols

Typical Job Processor Applications

When setting up a Job Processor, consider the system requirements for the following applications.

  • Autodesk Vault Client
  • Autodesk AutoCAD
  • Autodesk Inventor

Not Recommended

MinuteView and Minute Creator should only be provisioned with dedicated Job Processors, meaning that none of the assigned Job Processors are to be implemented onto an active users workstation.

Dedicated Job Processor

Please speak with a Tentech technical consultant if you have any questions surrounding this.

Autodesk Software Installation

  1. Download and install the Autodesk CAD applications such as Autodesk AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor via the Autodesk Manage Portal.

  2. Download the Autodesk Vault Professional Client via the Autodesk Manage Portal, then install.


Check that the correct version (year) of Vault Professional Client is being installed. Typically (but not exclusively), client version should be the same version as the Vault Server.


If unable to access the Autodesk Manage Portal from the Job Processor, please contact the system administrator and refer them to Job Processor Prerequisites

Job Processor Vault Accounts

To create a Vault Account for the Job Processor.

  1. Log into Vault Professional Client as Administrator

  2. Navigate to Vault Administrator

  3. Set up a user account designated for the Job Processor.


The Job Processor requires an Autodesk Vault Professional license to run. Each Job Processor requires;

  • Vault Account per Job Processor
  • Its own unique Autodesk Named User account with an Autodesk Vault Professional license assigned. If there are two workstations, regardless of running each workstation with the same or different Vault accounts, they'll need their own dedicated Autodesk ID assigned.
  • For workstations being used by a user with their own User license the Job Processor can use that already assigned/acquired license.

Job Processor Application Authentication

Start the Job Processor application on the Workstation via the Windows Start Menu shortcut "Autodesk Job Processor for Vault".

Job Processor Authentication

Set to the Autodesk ID that has been created and designated to the Job Processor. An Autodesk ID can not be shared with multiple Job Processors, as such is limited to one Job Processor.

Job Processor Workstation Windows Account

The Job Processor User account must adhere to the following.

  • Must have a Windows profile and can utilise RDP in order to configure design tools that are utilised by the job processor to perform automated actions
  • Password does not expire to ensure processors are not interrupted
  • User's session must remain active indefinitely and must not be automatically logged out at any stage to ensure processors are not interrupted
  • User has internet access, for the purposes of licence validation required by software vendors and other various tasks
  • The Job Processor needs to log into the Vault server with a Vault user account.
  • For the initial setup of the Job Processor, this user account must have administrative privileges. This can be downgraded to a standard user following initial setup.

Note on Job Processor Authentication:

  • Vault Account - Not recommended, used more for legacy reasons.
  • Windows Authentication - Typically used within organisations with a Single Sign On arrangement with their Autodesk licensing.
  • Autodesk ID: Recommended for organisations without an Autodesk Single Sign On arrangement, that use Autodesk User Licensing.

AutoCAD Configuration

Trusted Locations

  1. On the Job Processor, open up AutoCAD.
  2. Open up a blank drawing.
  3. Type "Opt" within the AutoCAD Command line to load AutoCAD Options, then navigate to the Files tab.
AutoCAD Trusted Locations
  1. Add the following directory to "Trusted Locations", noting to include the three trailing ... allowing for trusted subdirectories.
  1. After adding the Trusted Location, click Apply / OK and then close down AutoCAD.

Decrease Job Idle time

On the Job Processor, navigate to the following file and open with a text editor.

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Vault Client %YEAR%\Explorer\JobProcessor.exe.config

Find the appSettings element and the first nested add element, and the key="PeriodInMinutes" attribute.

    <add key="PeriodInMinutes" value="10" />

Set to a value of Element key="PeriodInMinutes" to "0.1" minutes, which will be the minimum time allowed of 6 seconds.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

Dedicated Job Processors are not intended to be interacted with by end users. Remove any user-based applications and add-ons that are not intended to be used with assigned Jobs. This includes Minute Controller, a user-based app that's typically not intended for use on a Job Processor. Uninstall User apps not intended for use with the Job Processor.

Implement VCET Config

Once the following steps have been taken then a Job Processor will require its Vault Extensions VCET configuration file updated.

First, check the following as been completed;

With these items completed, export the VCET Configuration file and then import the VCET configuration file into the Job Processor, as detailed in the Implement Minute Creator Jobs.

Tentech 2024