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Minute Creator

PDF Watermarks

The PDF Watermarks feature in Minute Creator allows for the addition of configurable watermarks on PDFs published from (but not limited to) DWG files, enhancing the document management and review process.

PDF Watermarks support multiple configurable watermarks, including settings for watermark text, location, size, colour, transparency, and angle.

PDF - PDF Watermark Example

The above PDF is an example of a DWG that has been processed by a PDF Automation, with two PDF watermarks applied. A central angled watermark that reads "For Review", and a top left hand corner watermark that contains the date and time of the review request.

All of these settings are configurable within the Creator PDF Watermarks Job settings.

PDF Watermark Feature Settings

The PdfWatermark object contains several feature settings that once configured will allow for the publication of PDF files stamped with a watermark. Multiple PdfWatermarks can be configured/added to the Job, allowing for multiple watermarks to be applied to the same file within the same Job.

From State Vault Lifecycle State Optional

Specify the From State of the target file. Without specifying a state, the Job will process regardless of the target files state.

::: note Minute Controller Queue Job will ignore the From State and the job will process regardless. :::

To State Vault Lifecycle State Optional

Specify the To State of the target file. Without specifying a state, the Job will process regardless of the target files state.

::: note Minute Controller Queue Job will ignore the To State and the job will process regardless. :::

Location Pick List

Set the page location of the Watermark. Center, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Left or Top Right. The location automatically applies left/right justification to avoid clipping.

  • Center
  • Upper Left
  • Upper Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Right

Watermark Location

Text Size Number

Set the font size of the watermark. For an A3 sized page, a size of between 60 to 120 is large and clear within a thumbnail preview of the PDF, adjusted as needed.

Colour Hex Hex Value

The text colour of the watermark. Note that the alpha value is controlled within the Watermark Transparency option.

Hex Colours

  • #FF0000 is red.
  • #00FF00 is green.
  • #0000FF is blue.
  • #000000 is black.
  • #FFFFFF is white.

Watermark Transparency Number

Adjust the transparency of the watermark via percentage. Zero being completely transparent, 100 being completely visible. Test and adjust accordingly.

Watermark Angle Number

Adjust the angle of the watermark, 0 is horizontal, and increasing the angle rotates the text clockwise. A value of 180 will rotate the text up-side-down.

Watermark Text Concatenation

Input the single-line text that's to be applied as the watermark. As this is a concatenation field, Vault properties are also supported. For example Created by [Author] will generate the below watermark, assuming the Vault Property Author is set and filled within Vault of the target file.

Watermark Text Example

Usage Guides

For further reading and inspiration, please browse the below watermark usage guide articles.

Tentech 2024