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Post Data PowerShell PowerShell

Execute a PowerShell script upon a data body posted via a POST request.

  1. In your API Client application (such as Postman), create a new POST using the URL http:///MinuteView/api/AdskVault/PostData.
  2. Configure POST Header Content-Type as application/json
  3. The Body should be a JSON object
  "Title" : "Hello World",
  "Data": {
    "Hello Universe" : 42
  1. Save your POST.
  2. Load the sample PowerShell Script into the MinuteView API Post Data PowerShell
Write-Host "Start Test PostData"

Write-Host "Keys and Values:"
foreach ($property in $postObj.Properties()) {
    Write-Host "$($property.Name): $($property.Value.ToString())"

$nestedData = $postObj['Data']

Write-Host "Properties inside Data:"
foreach ($prop in $nestedData.Properties()) {
    Write-Host "$($prop.Name): $($prop.Value.ToString())"

Write-Host "End Test PostData"
  1. With the Post ready and the PowerShell script read, Post the JSON object (via Postman). Note that your API Client application (Postman) should return 200 OK without a body.

  2. Open/Refresh the Post Data PowerShell script noting that the posted body now appears within the PowerShell Parameters Debug.

Post Data PowerShell

  1. The received Job and executed PowerShell log can then be viewed via MinuteView Job History.

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