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Minute Controller

Transmittal Configuration Guide

Use this Transmittal Configuration Guide for setting up and managing Transmittal processes within Minute Controller. It covers essential configurations along with their prerequisites specific to transmittals. This guide is vital for users looking to streamline their transmittal workflows using Minute Controller.

Find detailed information of each Transmittal configuration setting below. For Transmittal Setup and Usage guides, please follow these links;

Transmittal Basic Usage Guide


The following Vault Properties, Category and Lifecycle are recommended to be set prior to the configuration of Minute Controller Transmittal.

Vault Category

  • Transmittal

Vault Lifecycle

  • Transmittal Lifecycle

Vault Lifecycle States

  • SENT

Vault Properties

  • Transmittal Recipient
  • Transmittal Attention
  • Transmittal Number
  • Transmittal Date Time
  • Transmittal Originator
  • Transmittal Issued For
  • Transmittal Send Method
  • Transmittal Company
  • Transmittal Return Email
  • Transmittal Address
  • Transmittal Phone
  • Transmittal File Source
  • Transmittal Expiration Date

Vault Numbering Scheme

  • Transmittal Numbering Scheme

Clean Up Local Files Toggle

When set to true, all local files are removed from the specified Temp Folder.

When set to true, transmittals only contain URL links to files and not copies of files. This requires the recipient to have access to the source Vault.

Create Copies Toggle

Allows a transmittal to be sent to multiple Vendors, with transmittal files prefixed/suffixed with an identifying value.

Once enabled, the Copy Settings also require configuring.

Vault Storage Folder $ Vault Folder

Specify the Vault Folder where Transmittals are stored. A dedicated Transmittal Folder is recommended for Transmittals, and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.


Temp Folder Location Folder Path

Specify location on local drive for all downloaded and temporary files. All files in this folder are deleted when Clean Up Local Files is set to true.


FullPath for Report Template File Path

Specify the name and full file path (including file extension) to the RPT report file used to create the Transmittal.

The default Minute Controller Transmittal RPT is located at;

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Vault %YEAR%\Extensions\Tentech.VaultDocControl\Resources\StandardTransmittal.rpt


This field accepts properties, for example:

$\Resources\[Transmittal Type]\[Transmittal Type].rpt

Email History Cache Folder Folder Path

Previously used email addresses are saved locally to the workstation within an EMAIL_ADDRESSES.xml file. Specify the location of this file on the client workstation, for example;


Date Time Formatting Date Format

Date and Time formatting for the Transmittal.


Numbering Scheme Vault Numbering Scheme

Specify the Vault Numbering Scheme to be used to create the Transmittals. A dedicated Vault Numbering Scheme named Transmittal Numbering Scheme is recommended for Transmittals, and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

Category Vault Category

Specify the Vault Category for Transmittals. A dedicated Vault Category named Transmittal is recommended for Transmittals, and must be created in Vault prior to assignment

Lifecycle Vault Lifecycle

Specify the Vault Lifecycle for Transmittals. A dedicated Vault Lifecycle named Transmittal Lifecycle is recommended for Transmittals and must be created along with Lifecycle States in Vault prior to assignment.

Expected Lifecycle States are:

  • SENT

Send Method Property Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property that stores the Send Method for Transmittals. The Vault property name Transmittal Send Method is recommended and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

Expiration Date Prop Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property that stores the Expiration Date for Transmittals. The Vault property name Transmittal Expiration Date is recommended and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

Generated Number Property Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property that stores the generated number for Transmittals. The Vault property name Transmittal Number is recommended and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

Recipients Property Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property that stores the specified email addresses for Transmittal recipients. The Vault property name Transmittal Recipients is recommended and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

Added File Source Property Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property that stores the information for files that have been added to the Transmittal from outside Vault. The Vault property name Transmittal File Source is recommended and must be created in Vault prior to assignment.

External File Location $ Vault Folder

The Vault Folder where external files added to the Transmittal are stored. This folder can be a concatenation that includes Vault Properties, such as the "Transmittal Number".

$/Transmittals/LOCALFILES/[Transmittal Number]

Shared Contacts List

Store a global contacts XML list within the Vault.


Dependency Include

Transmittal Include Dependencies

Set the default action of the Transmittal Client App file dependency option.

  • Checked: Target files and it dependencies (such as an Inventor assembly and all of its parts) will be included on the transmittal.
  • UnChecked: Only target files will be included on the transmittal
  • Session: The client app will use the users last set option, either enabled/disabled.

Transmittal Fields Field Settings

Define each Minute Controller Transmittal Field via the Transmittal Fields feature settings outlined below.

Minute Controller Transmittal Fields

Each field is configured through a Dynamic Field feature settings object.

Transmittal Fields

The following settings may be applied to each field.

Force to Upper Case Toggle

Any text entered into this field will be processed into uppercase.

Editable Toggle

Toggles the field to be read only, or writable. Typically this is enabled.

Value Required Toggle

Field Validation - When enabled the end user must enter an input.

Interface Display Name Text

The Transmittal field label.

Select Vault Property Vault Property

The target Vault Property to be updated by the Transmittal field input. The selected Vault Property will also provide pick list field options if the Display Type is set to Picklist.

Value Concatenation

Initial Setup Value

Display Type Editable Pick List

Set the transmittal field type to one of the below options.


Allows for simple text input, such as a Transmittal subject or project name.

Transmittal Text Field


Allows for multi-line text input, such the Transmittal body or project description.

Pick List

Allow for pick list selection option. Pick List options are to be configured within the associated Vault Property specified within Select Vault Property


Sets the field as a Calendar Date/Time for easy date selection.

Calendar Date Time Selector

Project Folder List

ProjectFolderList returns a list of Vault folders set as a Project category, as set within Vault folder options.

Vault New Folder Category

Setting ProjectFolderList will also automate Add Files file navigation to the selected project.

Active Project Folder List

ActiveProjectFolderList returns a list of Vault folders set as a Project category within an Active state, as set within Vault folder options.

Vault Folder Project Lifecycle

Only projects set as an Active state will be selectable from the Transmittal field pick list. Transmittal Field Active Project Selection

Setting ActiveProjectFolderList will also automate Add Files file navigation to the selected project.

Transmittal Add Files Navigation

With ActiveProjectFolderList set:

  1. Select an active project from the field pick list.
  2. Click Add Files.
  3. Note how selected active project location opens.

Maximum Character Count

Field validation that limits the character count allowed to be input.

Minimum Character Count

Field validation that enforces a minimum character count. Invalid input will highlight in red , and valid text highlights in light green .

Field Replace Advanced Field Options

Width Override

Section Name

XML Full Path

Cascade Parent Section

XML Attribute

XML Node

Pick List Display Name

PDF Report Mapping Objects (Max 5)

Report Column Mapping, a maximum of 5 columns are supported.

Set Default GUI Width Number

Set Column Width

Gui Display Name Text

Set Column Display Name. Typical names include;

  • File Name
  • Rev
  • State
  • Description

rdl Report Column Name List

Specify which hardcoded Transmittal Report Field ID to use for the Transmittal data.

  • COLUMN01
  • COLUMN02
  • COLUMN03
  • COLUMN04
  • COLUMN05

Vault Source Property Text

Set each column data source from a Vault Property. The Vault Properties must be created within Vault prior to this configuration setting.

Typical Vault Properties to consider include;

  • File Name
  • Revision
  • State
  • Description

Rdl Report Parameter Names Properties List

Specify Key Value pairs for each Report Property used in the RDL Report. The following are used within the current report template.

  • TO : [Transmittal Recipient]
  • ATTENTION : [Transmittal Attention]
  • TRANSMITTALNO : [Transmittal Number]
  • DATE : [Transmittal Date Time]
  • ORIGINATOR : [Transmittal Originator]
  • ISSUEDFOR : [Transmittal Issued For]
  • METHOD_TR : [Transmittal Send Method]
  • REPORT_COMPANY : [Transmittal Company]
  • RETURN_EMAIL : [Transmittal Return Email]
  • RETURN_ADDRESS : [Transmittal Address]
  • RETURN_PHONE : [Transmittal Phone]
  • PROJECT: [Project]


The Report Parameter Mismatch error typically indicates that there's a parameter found within the RDL Report template file that hasn't been mapped via the RDL Report Parameter Names properties.

Transmittal Error Report Parameter Mismatch

To resolve the error shown above, RETURN_ADDRESS : [Transmittal Address] needs to be added to the RDL Report Parameter Names properties list.

alt text

Note in the above Minute View screenshot that the RETURN_ADDRESS : [Transmittal Address] is missing. Once added and the settings saved, the Transmittal now performs as expected.

The RDL template can be edited with Visual Studio Code 2022, with the SAP Crystal Reports, version for Microsoft Visual Studio (64-bit) version

Force to Upper Case Toggle

Toggle all input text to be uppercase.

Editable Toggle

Allows the input field to be editable. This is typical for most field scenarios, but there may be exceptions where editable fields is undesired, such as when using either a Vault Property or XML data lookups to propagate a fields value.

Interface Display Name Text

Set the display label name of the Form Field.

Select Vault Property List

On the resulting Transmittal PDF, specify the target Vault Property for the field data to be written into.

Value Concatenation

Specify calculated field concatenated values, typically used when piping a sub XML value from another Dynamic field, or for executing a lookup of a Project Folders Vault Properties.

XML Pipe Method

A "parent" Dynamic Field with a detailed 'XML Full Path' that contains XML data such as;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <ReturnTo Name="User1" Email="" Company="Tentech" Address="Sydney, NSW" Phone="(02) 1234 5678" />
  <ReturnTo Name="User2" Email="" Company="Tentech" Address="Brisbane, QLD" Phone="(02) 5432 1234" />

Project Lookup Method

  • ProjFolder

Initial Setup Value

Specify the initial value to be used for the field, acting essentially as a default value.

Display Type

  • Text
  • Multiline
  • Picklist
  • DateTime

fieldReplace Option Fields

Click the green Add to create a new Field Replace object, then click the small arrow to expand and configure the Field Replace fields.

Width Override Number

Set the width of the Dynamic field. 200 is recommended for general use.

Section Name Text

Set the name of the Dynamic Field Section that these Field Replace options are targeting.

XML Full Path Vault Directory / File Path

The Vaulted path of the reference XML file to be used as the field lookup.

Typically the XML files should be stored within a Vault Resources folder.


The Numbering/Register tool supports multiple attributes for lookup, as per the below sample XML data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <COLOUR CODE="R"      DESC="Red"          PRICE="$1.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="R_D"    DESC="Dark Red"     PRICE="$21.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="R_L"    DESC="Light Red"    PRICE="$3.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="G"      DESC="Green"        PRICE="$141.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="G_D"    DESC="Dark Green"   PRICE="$11.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="G_L"    DESC="Light Green"  PRICE="$66.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="B"      DESC="Blue"         PRICE="$3.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="B_D"    DESC="Dark Blue"    PRICE="$45.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="B_L"    DESC="Blue Light"   PRICE="$63.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="WH"     DESC="White"        PRICE="$7.00"/>
  <COLOUR CODE="BK"     DESC="Black"        PRICE="$10.00"/>

Cascade Parent Section Text

An optional field that's only required when creating child/parent dependant Pick Lists. The Parents Section Name is placed here.

XML Attribute Text

The name of the XML attribute to be written into the file name. Using the above XML sample, the CODE attribute would be suitable.

XML Node Text

The XML Node that's traversed to construct the lookup field data. Using the above XML sample;


This will allow for the attributes to return as a lookup into a Form fields dynamic field settings.

Pick List Display Name Text

Leave the Pick List Display Name blank within the Dynamic Field settings. The XML data will be used as the display name.

Field Width Number

The width of the text field. Typically 200 works for most scenarios.

Maximum Character Count Number

Adds maximum character input validation to the Dynamic Field.

Minimum Character Count Number

Adds minimum character input validation to the Dynamic Field.

Value Required Toggle

Adds input requirement validation to the Dynamic Field.

Share Integrations

Specify options available for Transmittal export.


Pick List Display Name Text

Specify the name of option within the "Send Method" pick list, such as SharePoint

Base Url URL

Specify the base URL for the SharePoint tenant, without a trailing slash.

Site Name Text

Specify the name of the target SharePoint Site. Do not include the tenant detail, only the Site name is needed.

Document Library Name Text

Specify the name of the target SharePoint Document Library. Do not include the site or tenant detail, only the Document Library name is needed.

Sharepoint Folder Path Concatenation

Specify the name of the target SharePoint Folder and sub-folders. This field supports Vault Property concatenation, such as with the use of [Transmittal Number].

Transmittals/[Transmittal Number]

email Body Concatenation

Specify the body of the email that is sent to the recipient. This long text field supports Vault Property concatenation, such as with the use of [Transmittal Number].

email Subject Concatenation

Specify the subject of the email that is sent to the recipient. This text field supports Vault Property concatenation, such as with the use of [Transmittal Number].

Autodesk Construction Cloud Enterprise 🔒

The Autodesk Construction Cloud Share Integration is as enterprise feature. Contact Tentech to discuss.

Bluebeam Project Enterprise 🔒

The Bluebeam Project Share Integration is as enterprise feature. Contact Tentech to discuss.

Bluebeam Session Enterprise 🔒

The Bluebeam Session Share Integration is as enterprise feature. Contact Tentech to discuss.

Opentext CS Enterprise 🔒

The Opentext CS Share Integration is as enterprise feature. Contact Tentech to discuss.

SAP Enterprise 🔒

The SAP Share Integration is as enterprise feature. Contact Tentech to discuss.

File Browse

Pick List Display Name Text

Specify name to display within the "Send Method" pick list, such as File Browse.

Default Path Folder

Specify the default path to browse for files.

Zip and Browse


An installed email client such as Microsoft Outlook is required for Zip and Email functionality to work.

Pick List Display Name Text

Specify name to display within the "Send Method" pick list, such as Zip and Email.

Email Subject Concatenation

Specify the subject of the email that is sent to the recipient. This text field supports Vault Property concatenation, such as with the use of [Transmittal Number].

Email Body Concatenation

Specify the body of the email that is sent to the recipient. This long text field supports Vault Property concatenation, such as with the use of [Transmittal Number].

Email Body Template File

The default Email Body Template is found within the Minute Controller Resources directory.

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Vault %YEAR%\Extensions\Tentech.VaultDocControl\Resources\EmailTemplate.html

Email Rows Template File

The default Email Rows Template is found within the Minute Controller Resources directory.

C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Vault %YEAR%\Extensions\Tentech.VaultDocControl\Resources\EmailRow.html

Copy Settings

Copy File Format

[BaseName]-[COL_DIV].[File Extension]

[Base Name] [Assigned Vendor] [File Extension]

Vault prop concatenation

Vault prop additional props as per screenshot.

Copy File Location


Report Manual Column Mappings Property Settings


GUI Column Name Text

Set the Column Display Name of the feature Copy column.

The input values of this column are editable on the Transmittal form, and can themselves be reused in both the Transmittal Report Value Format and also the copied files Copy File Name Format by using a special COL_ prefix. For example, were a GUI Column Name to be called Vendor, and the input of that column used is Electrician, that input value can then be called upon by concatenating [COL_Vendor].


In an example where a set of files are required to be sent to an Electrician, and then that same set of files sent again to a Plumber, this workflow would require two transmittal processes to be executed upon the same set of files.

Report Column Name Text

Specify which hardcoded Transmittal Report Field ID to use for the Transmittal data.

  • COLUMN01
  • COLUMN02
  • COLUMN03
  • COLUMN04
  • COLUMN05


Check which columns are available that haven't be used within PDF Report Mapping configuration.

Vault Property Name Vault Property

Specify the Vault Property. The Vault Property must be created within Vault prior to this configuration setting.

  • Copy File
  • File Copy

Value Format Text

GUI Width Number

Vault Search Properties Vault Properties List

Allows Transmittal authors to find a target file by searching for a specific property within that file.

Transmittal Vault Property Search

Specify the Vault Properties of Files that are to be searched for by the Transmittal Author.

Source Integrations

Specify Windows and SharePoint locations containing files that may be added to Transmittals.

Windows Folder

Detail the action for when adding a file to a transmittal from Windows, either locally or network.

Startup Folder

Specify a Windows Folder to act as the starting directory for File Explorer navigation when adding files from either the network or local drive.



Share Interface Column Name

Specify the Column name for added file names to be mapped. Typically, this may be set to File Name, which is that same text used when designating Column details within the PDF Report Mapping setting.

SharePoint Source

Specify SharePoint Sites and Document Libraries where common files are stored that may be added to transmittals.

Base Url URL

Specify the base URL for the SharePoint tenant, without a trailing slash.

SharePoint Locations Object Array

Specify a "SharePoint Add File Sites" object with as many SharePoint Sites and Document Libraries that contain files suited for attachment to Transmittals.

Library Names Text

Specify the name of the SharePoint Document Library. Do not include the site or tenant detail, only the Document Library name is needed.

Site Name Text

Specify the name of the SharePoint Site. Do not include the tenant detail, only the Site name is needed.

Process Completed Jobs Creator Jobs

Specify Minute Creator Jobs and their numeric priority that trigger upon sending a new Transmittal.

Tentech 2024